TendHer reusable feminine cooling pad
TendHer reusable feminine cooling pad
Tendher reusable perineal cooling pad. 2 x reusable gel packs and 5 x reusable sleeves
Free from BPA, phthalate and latex
Gel packs made in the USA with materials produced in the USA. Sleeves sewn in China and Vietnam
Made from vegan food ingredients, medical grade film, high-tech wick-away polyester blend fabric
Created by mothers for mothers we love that the food-grade gel in the Tendher cooling pad is pliable even when frozen so you can mould it comfortably to your body. No more lying on the couch with an ice pack, or worse, frozen peas! Use your TendHer as a cooling eye mask, to warm the perineum during labour, to relieve pudendal neuralgia, to soothe tender areas post-surgery and to treat toddler boo-boos. It even fits comfortably in your underwear with a maternity pad. You get two gel packs for easy rotation and the sleeves can be washed and reused, or disposed.
Birth stretches your mind, your heart, and errrr some slightly less flexible places. Give your nether regions — or c-section incision — the moment of “ah” they need with Pariday TendHer feminine cooling pads.
Perfectly sized for coverage and tucking in underwear these pads feel fantastic whether cooled, warmed, or used at room temperature to reduce friction. The specially created gel stays pliable even when frozen and the sleeves can be rinsed and reused, or tossed for convenience.
Our all-natural gel formula consists entirely of vegan food ingredients, with no artificial preservatives. The cooling pads are made of super soft-touch, BPA- and phthalate-free film and pair well with witch hazel and other tinctures. And the sleeves are made from a super comfy, high-tech, wick-away polyester blend fabric.
Your purchase comes with 2 x reusable gel packs for continuous soothing (or to use on two areas at once!) and 5 x reusable sleeves.
How do TendHer feminine cooling pads help?
TendHer provides targeted cold or heat therapy to your pelvic area and reduces friction.
Cold therapy works by reducing blood flow, which can reduce the inflammation and swelling that causes pain and aid recovery and pain management. It also makes the area slightly numb which can help relieve pain and itching.
On the flip side, heat therapy works by increasing blood flow which can promote healing and reduce the perception of pain. According to many midwives, local application of heat to the perineum can promote stretching during labor. Warming up a TendHer Feminine Pack is a convenient way to apply this technique.
TendHer reusable feminine cooling pads can be used:
- During and after pregnancy
- Perineal warming in labor
- To treat post-operative soreness and aid recovery
- To relieve pain associated with prolapse, interstitial cystitis, yeast infections, UTIs, pudendal neuralgia, postpartum swelling, hemorrhoids or vaginal injuries
- Soothe the area when experiencing side effects of medications
- Reduce friction
- Short term relief of itching associated with conditions such as lichens sclerosis
- Soothe hot flashes
- As an eye mask to reduce swelling and relieve tired eyes.
- Migraines or headaches
- Boo-boo buddies for toddler accidents
Need more tips for recovering from childbirth? Check out this free guide from pelvic health physical therapist—and mom—Dr. Amanda Olsen.
How to use your TendHer feminine cooling pads
Cold application: Place gel pack in fridge or freezer for 30 minutes. Pat dry and insert chilled gel pack into sleeve. Place in underwear with fabric against your skin for 10 - 20 minutes or as advised by a healthcare professional. Spray with witch hazel for extra soothing. Aaahhh!
Notes on cold application: You can use TendHer cooling pads straight from the fridge without the sleeve. And for extra absorption just place TendHer straight on top of your maxi pad.
Hot application: Immerse gel packs in hot water for around 5 minutes. NO microwave or boiling water. Pat dry and insert warm gel pack into sleeve. Place in underwear with fabric against your skin. Fewer women experience third or fourth degree tears when warm compresses are applied during labour.
Note on hot application: DO NOT warm your cooling pads in the microwave or with boiling water! You definitely wouldn’t want to (ahem) burn that tender area. Microwaving your TendHer Feminine Pack could damage the film and produce uneven hot spots in the gel, which could potentially hurt you!
How to store your TendHer feminine cooling pads
Store your TendHer cooling pads in the fridge to extend shelf-life, or freezer for extra long (indefinite) shelf-life.
We recommend replacing your gel packs if the gel begins to look hard or dry. The gel may turn from clear to opaque-yellow. This is normal and a true sign that our product is all natural. It is still as safe and effective as ever.
How to clean your TendHer feminine cooling pads
Hand wash your gel pads with soap and water; pat dry. Sleeves can be machine washed and dried.